December 30, 2011

Today’s Fukushima updates begin with a stark example of news media “spin-doctoring”. The following summaries are from two separate sources, both of which are among the most widely-read newspapers in Japan. The juxtaposing of the two shows how one news event can...

December 28, 2011

The executive summary of the government panel’s investigative report on the Fukushima accident released Monday, is a severe disappointment. It does draw a few conclusions that are unquestionably correct. Pointing a guilty finger at the nation’s overly...

December 28, 2011

The executive summary of the government panel’s investigative report on the Fukushima accident released Monday, is a severe disappointment. It does draw a few conclusions that are unquestionably correct. Pointing a guilty finger at the nation’s overly...

December 26, 2011

The post-TMI de-facto moratorium on nuclear plant construction in America may have ended. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved the Westinghouse/Toshiba Pressurized Water system design, acronym AP1000. This is also significant news in Japan because Toshiba...

December 23, 2011

The government panel investigating the cause(s) of the Fukushima accident has once again pointed to operator error as a possible reason for unit #3’s meltdown. Operators stopped cooling water flow into #3 RPV because emergency battery power was running low. The...

To be, or not to be? Cold shutdown is the question.

To be, or not to be? Cold shutdown is the question. In one of the most horrendous editorials to yet come out of Japan, Mainichi Shimbun says the recent cold shutdown announcement is essentially a scripted government stunt. Their rationale stems from “road map”...

December 21, 2011

The prestigious American National Academy of Science has posted a research paper that promises to shatter all existing concepts of radiation risk. A research team out of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories has discovered that low dose radiation exposure results in an...

December 19, 2011

Friday’s announcement by Prime Minister Noda that Fukushima Daiichi had achieved a state of cold shutdown has been blasted by the Japanese Press and news media around the world. Here are a few examples… Japan Times – “Skeptics believe the declaration...

December 16, 2011

Prime Minister Noda’s declared the three damaged reactors at Fukushima have achieved cold shutdown. All Japanese Press outlets have articles on the declaration. Noda cites two specific criteria behind the announcement. They are all three RPVs having sustained...

December 14, 2011

On December 6, TEPCO announced they have begun removal of radioactive materials from the water in the Spent Fuel Pool (SPF) of unit #2. The decontamination system is contained in two trucks, one for pumping and the other holding a Cesium absorption device. The...
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