July 29, 2013

Tokyo Electric Co. says water inside a cabling tunnel from F. Daiichi unit #2 is highly contaminated. Tepco’s analyses show 2.35 billion Becquerels per liter of radioactive Cesium and 8.7 million Bq/liter of Tritium. Total radioactivity from the other 60-odd isotopes...

Fukushima Groundwater Issue Poses Many Questions

July 27, 2013 On July 23, Tepco revealed that contamination is leaching into their inner port (quay) at Fukushima Daiichi. Tepco and the Nuclear Regulatory Authority make it seem as if the contamination is going into the Pacific Ocean. There are many unanswered...

July 26, 2013

The groundwater contamination issue makes daily headlines. Tepco is being castigated for delaying announcement of leakage into the site’s small seaport for more than a week. The company says they had no confirmable indication until they were told water level inside...

July 23, 2013

Before today’s updates, we should note that Prime Minister Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party has won a landslide victory in Sunday’s Upper house election. The Upper House is similar to America’s Senate. This gives Abe’s nuclear-friendly party a clear majority across both...

Naoto Kan: Japan’s Pinocchio

July 20, 2013 This past Tuesday, Naoto Kan submitted a defamation suit against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. It is very unusual for a former prime minister to sue an incumbent. The suit is because Abe posted an Email on March 20, 2011, saying Kan fabricated his part in...

166th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers

The Hiroshima Syndrome is proudly hosting the 166th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers. For the full reports, please click on the individual links. Blog topics include – The difficulties faced by the US regulatory system, the need for policy changes in our regulatory...

July 18, 2013

Wisps of vapor have been detected off the fifth floor of F. Daiichi unit #3. Station staff noticed the vapor rising from the vicinity of the upper containment dome. The dome temperature is about 100oF due to the heat wave now blanketing most of Japan. In addition,...

July 15, 2013

Prime Minister Abe says Fukushima food keeps him healthy. While supporting Fukushima candidate Masako Mori for the upcoming national election, the PM said he has been eating Fukushima-grown rice every day and it keeps him energetic, “Whenever I go to a summit meeting,...

Japan’s nuke watchdog is blatantly biased

July 12, 2013 This week, The Japan News criticized the Nuclear Regulatory Authority for being “blatantly biased”, while holding a “self-righteous mind-set” in its dealings with nuclear utilities. (1) The News takes the new watchdog to task for “hastily concluding that...

July 11, 2013

Elevated Cesium was discovered in the near-shore groundwater of F. Daiichi on Tuesday, July 9. One of the sampling wells 25-30 meters from the station’s port had Cesium increase by a factor of 100 over four days. Cs-134 was at 11,000 Becquerels per liter, Cs-137 at...
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