November 18, 2011

Between 70 and 80% of the radioactive Cesium released in March from Fukushima Daiichi was swept out to sea by the winds blowing across the power complex. Somewhere between 20 and 30% was blown across land areas. “Only small amounts ended up falling on land because...

November 16, 2011

TEPCO’s most recent airborne Cesium measurements in and around Fukushima Daiichi are either undetectable or nearly so. Cs-134 is no longer detectable at the main gate and Cs-137 is down to 1.9×10-7 bq/cc. (two 10-millionths of a radioactive emission per...

November 14, 2011

The news media was allowed to tour the Fukushima Daiichi power station on Saturday, November 12. Three dozen reporters were driven around the accident site in busses, then given a presentation inside the nearby Emergency Response Center (TSC) on the current conditions...

November 11, 2011

The latest posting of Fukushima Daiichi parameters are quite encouraging. RPV bottom head temperature for unit #1 has dropped considerably since TEPCO effectively doubled injection flow last week, and now reads at 41oC with a sharply decreasing trend. This should keep...

November 9, 2011

About one-fourth of the evacuees from the zones surrounding Fukushima Daiichi say they will never go home. Fuminori Tanba, an associate professor at Fukushima University, sent questionnaires to 28,184 households in September and 13,463 (47.8 %) responded. 26.9 percent...

November 7, 2011

The fallout from TEPCO’s informational blunder last week, continues. While all experts on the phenomena agree the Xenon discovered in unit #2’s Primary Containment is due to spontaneous fission, many admonish TEPCO for needlessly causing fears and creating...

November 4, 2011

The international Press is focusing on news reports out of Japan about recriticality in the damaged fuel of reactor #2 at Fukushima Daiichi. The Japanese Press is calling for a complete revision of the “cold shutdown” criteria, and the world’s Press is drooling...

November 2, 2011

The source of the high radiation level near a Tokyo, Setagaya Ward supermarket has found it to have nothing to do with Fukushima. After tearing up the asphalt overlying the location of the source, technicians dug down nearly a foot into the soil and found a bottle...

October 31, 2011

We have finally found a down-loadable copy of the completed enclosure surrounding unit #1 reactor building… TEPCO announced they have nearly doubled the cooling injection flow to RPV #1. It is now 7.5 tons per hour, versus the previous flow of 4 tons per hour....

October 28, 2011

The first results of a nuclear “stress test” were submitted today. Kansai Electric submitted the results of a stress test on the Oi No.3 reactor in Fukui Prefecture. Kansai Electric mentioned their results showed the plant structures and cooling systems could survive...
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