January 14, 2013

Japan’s tsunami debris disposal is way behind schedule, and the residues in Fukushima Prefecture have had the least attention. Iwate and Miyagi Prefectures had set a goal of 50% disposal by this coming March, but only 24% in Iwate and 31% in Miyagi have actually been...

January 11, 2013

Fukushima internal radiation exposures are declining. More than 20,000 examinations have been given to Minamisoma residents since the Fukushima Daiichi accident. This is about 50% of the population now living within the community. None of the results in 2012 show...

January 9, 2013

Due to local complaints of illegal decontaminated waste disposal, the Ministry of the Environment is beefing up its examinations of the work in Fukushima communities. The Ministry found that two contractors working in Nahara and Iitate have improperly discarded...

Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers #138

The Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers is a weekly listing, and summations, of the postings by the most prominent nuclear writers on the internet.  The Carnival can be accessed here… http://nextbigfuture.com/2013/01/carnival-of-nuclear-energy-138.html

January 7, 2013

A new poll of mayors near nuclear stations in Japan shows a slight majority in favor of nuke restarts if and when the Nuclear Regulatory Authority confirms their safety. The survey was run in December by the Yomiuri Shimbun covering the mayors of the 135 communities...

Japan’s Contamination Limits Way Too Low

On January 6 the Asahi Shimbun reported on wild mushrooms in Aomori Prefecture, 350 kilometers north of Fukushima Daiichi, have radioactive Cesium levels above the 100 Becquerels per kilogram national standard which could not have come from the nuclear accident. The...

January 4, 2013

(For today’s Commentary – Should Japanese Nukes Be Scrapped Because of NRA Seismic Judgments? – please click here) It appears that any return to a nuclear “revival” in Japan must proceed with socio-political caution. While many pundits outside of...

January 1, 2013

The debate over the geologic anomalies under the Oi nuclear station continues. The outcome of the issue is under the spotlight because the government approved the restart of units 3&4 earlier this year. A second investigation by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority’s...
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