March 6, 2014

A small fire has occurred at the idled Takahama nuclear station, Fukui Prefecture. One of the transformers for Takahama unit #3 caught fire this morning, and was rapidly put out by station staff. A Kansai Electric Co. spokesperson said, “No one was injured and there...

March 3, 2014

This morning, Tepco reports that 418 fuel bundles have been removed from unit #4 pool. All have been transferred to the “common pool” in the nearby storage facility. 22 of the relocated bundles have never been used. 396 of the transferred bundles are used nuclear fuel...

Naoto Kan’s crime against Japan

March 1, 2014 This past week, a court panel in Tokyo rejected a criminal suit against former PM Naoto Kan concerning his actions during the first week of the Fukushima accident. Kan and five other officials allegedly caused the premature deaths of numerous people due...
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