April 9, 2015

Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. And Canada’s Fukushima InFORM announced the first traces of Fukushima Cesium detected at the North American Pacific shoreline. There was considerable Press coverage in Japan. The amounts detected are 1.4 Becquerels per ton of water...

April 6, 2015

Nahara evacuees can now stay at home 24 hours/day. Today, Tokyo began allowing interested town evacuees to stay at home around the clock, in preparation to lifting the evacuation order. The measure will last three months. Roughly 7,500 Nara residents have been living...

April 2, 2015

Tepco’s American advisor Dale Klein says tritiated water is safe to release. Klein is the former Chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He says, “Most people don’t know what tritium is, so what they will think about is that it’s bad, something that’s really...
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