January 7, 2013
Jan 7, 2013 | Fukushima Accident Updates
A new poll of mayors near nuclear stations in Japan shows a slight majority in favor of nuke restarts if and when the Nuclear Regulatory Authority confirms their safety. The survey was run in December by the Yomiuri Shimbun covering the mayors of the 135 communities...January 4, 2013
Jan 4, 2013 | Fukushima Accident Updates
(For today’s Commentary – Should Japanese Nukes Be Scrapped Because of NRA Seismic Judgments? – please click here) It appears that any return to a nuclear “revival” in Japan must proceed with socio-political caution. While many pundits outside of...January 1, 2013
Jan 1, 2013 | Fukushima Accident Updates
The debate over the geologic anomalies under the Oi nuclear station continues. The outcome of the issue is under the spotlight because the government approved the restart of units 3&4 earlier this year. A second investigation by the Nuclear Regulatory Authority’s...137th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers – New Year’s Edition
Dec 30, 2012 | Fukushima Accident Updates
For the full reports, please click on the individual links…and have a very happy New Year. From The Hiroshima Syndrome (2) – Suggested Japanese Nuclear New Year’s Resolutions ...December 28, 2012
Dec 28, 2012 | Fukushima Accident Updates
(Commentary – Suggested Japanese Nuclear New Year’s Resolutions, click here) Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is ready to review his predecessor’s plans to end nuclear power in Japan by 2040. Industry Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said at a press conference, “We...December 26, 2012
Dec 26, 2012 | Fukushima Accident Updates
Shinzo Abe, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, is the new Prime Minister. The lower house of the Diet elected him by a bigger landslide than the LDP had in the recent national election. Abe swamped DPJ candidate and former Naoto Kan side-kick, Banri...December 24, 2012
Dec 24, 2012 | Fukushima Accident Updates
Although the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan ran a nuclear-neutral campaign, they are beginning to show some pronuclear colors. The draft of the coalition between the LDP and the largely-Buddhist New Komeito Party includes the allowance of reactor restarts, given...December 21, 2012
Dec 21, 2012 | Fukushima Accident Updates
The current focus of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority is earthquake possibilities concerning nuclear plants, and the issue has become foggy. This week, the NRA concluded that the geology near the Higashidori station in Aomori Prefecture has a seismically active fault....December 19, 2012
Dec 19, 2012 | Fukushima Accident Updates
It seems that both sides of the nuclear issue are touting Sunday’s election as a pro-nuclear victory, but these speculations seem to be premature. The victorious Liberal Democratic Party of Japan has not clarified its stance on nuclear energy policy, taking a...This site requires a lot of work. We hope you find our efforts valuable and rewarding. Please consider offering your support. There is no minimum amount. Feel free to donate as you see fit, without restriction. Thank you...

Fukushima Accident Updates
Fukushima Commentary
- ►2016
- ►2015
- ► December
- ► November
- ► October
- October 29, 2015
- October 26, 2015
- October 22, 2015
- October 19, 2015
- October 15, 2015
- October 12, 2015
- October 10, 2015 - The News Media’s penchant for only reporting the nuclear negative
- October 8, 2015
- October 5, 2015
- October 3, 2015 - Japan’s Press accentuates the bad and intentionally ignores the good
- October 1, 2015
- ► September
- September 28, 2015
- September 24, 2015
- September 21, 2015
- September 20, 2015 - 279th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- September 17, 2015
- Bill Nye’s nuclear aversion results from the Hiroshima Syndrome
- September 14, 2015
- September 10, 2015
- September 7, 2015
- People of Japan: Please Consider This Seriously …
- September 3, 2015
- ► August
- August 31, 2015
- 276th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Japan’s Press Remains Infected by the Hiroshima Syndrome
- August 27, 2015
- August 24, 2015
- Ian Fairlie on Fukushima: Errors and Omissions
- August 20, 2015
- August 17, 2015
- August 13, 2015
- August 11, 2015
- August 10, 2015
- PBS Fukushima Documentary was based on False Premises
- August 6, 2015
- August 3, 2015
- 271st/ 272nd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- ► July
- ► June
- ► May
- ► April
- April 30, 2015
- April 27, 2015
- Fukushima Accident Chasing
- April 23, 2015
- April 20, 2015
- Japanese court injunction not a result of misunderstanding
- April 16, 2015
- Japanese Press needs education on radiation
- April 13, 2015
- Evaporation is not the answer to Fukushima’s Tritium issue
- April 9, 2015
- April 6, 2015
- April 2, 2015
- ► March
- ► February
- ► January
- ►2014
- ► December
- ► November
- November 27, 2014
- November 24, 2014
- November 20, 2014
- Fukushima Wastewater; Some Good News
- November 17, 2014
- 235th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Podcast on radiological protection makes perfect sense
- November 13, 2014
- November 10, 2014
- Cancel the apocalypse – all used fuel is out of F. Daiichi unit #4
- November 6, 2014
- November 5, 2014
- November 3, 2014
- Tsunami refugees continue to be treated differently than Fukushima evacuees
- ► October
- October 30, 2014
- October 27, 2014
- 232th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- October 23, 2014
- October 20, 2014
- October 16, 2014
- Volcanoes and nukes – Japan’s latest Press-driven phobia
- October 13, 2014
- October 9, 2014
- Radiophobia increasing in Japan’s markets (again)
- October 6, 2014
- Harvey Wasserman takes his conspiracy theories to Russia
- October 2, 2014
- ► September
- Earthquake fears supplanted by volcano fears with Japanese nukes
- September 29, 2014
- A Plea to Tepco and Tokyo – Just Do It!
- September 25, 2014
- September 22, 2014
- 227th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Fukushima Evacuees Prosper while Tsunami Refugees Languish
- September 18, 2014
- September 15, 2014
- September 11, 2014
- Fukushima groundwater is not contaminating the Pacific Ocean
- September 8, 2014
- September 4, 2014
- September 1, 2014
- ► August
- ► July
- ► June
- June 30, 2014
- 215th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- June 26, 2014
- June 23, 2014
- June 19, 2014
- Nuclear Obsession Covers Up the Impact of the Tsunami on Fukushima Refugees
- June 16, 2014
- June 12, 2014
- June 9, 2014
- June 5, 2014
- The Godzilla Movie and the Parallel with Fukushima
- June 2, 2014
- 211th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- ► May
- ► April
- April 28, 2014
- 206th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- April 24, 2014
- April 21, 2014
- San Luis Obispo shows us how to expose antinuclear pseudo-science
- April 17, 2014
- April 14, 2014
- Arnie Gundersen’s Fukushima hot particle myth
- April 10, 2014
- April 7, 2014
- Harvey Wasserman goes over the edge…Again!
- April 3, 2014
- ► March
- March 31, 2014
- March 27, 2014
- March 24, 2014
- 201st Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- March 20, 2014
- March 17, 2014
- March 13, 2014
- March 10. 2014
- March 10, 2014
- A Fukushima Third Anniversary “What If” Scenario
- March 6, 2014
- PBS Fukushima Report is Fear-mongering at its Worst
- March 3, 2014
- Naoto Kan’s crime against Japan
- ► February
- February 27, 2014
- Japan’s nuke regulator is stalling nuke restarts… for what?
- Bloomberg falls prey to scare-mongers
- February 24, 2014
- 197th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- February 20, 2014
- February 17, 2014
- February 13, 2014
- Japan’s Press fails to make nuclear energy a major election issue… again!
- February 10, 2014
- February 6, 2014
- February 3, 2014
- ► January
- January 30, 2014
- January 27, 2014
- 193rd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- January 23, 2014
- Radiation Exposure Standards By AHANE
- January 20, 2014
- January 16, 2014
- January 13, 2014
- January 12, 2015
- January 9, 2014
- Tepco and the Press Kept the Public in the Dark about ALPS
- January 8, 2015
- Fukushima-bashing Upsurge in the Japanese Press
- January 6, 2014
- US Navy Sailor’s Claims of Fukushima Health Effects Might Be Misdirected
- January 2, 2014
- ►2013
- ► December
- Pacific Beaches not at-Risk from Fukushima
- December 30, 2013
- The Fukushima “Hot Particle” Myth
- December 26, 2013
- December 23, 2013
- 188th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers – Holiday Edition
- Guest Commentary on Japan’s Energy Situation
- December 19, 2013
- December 19, 2013
- December 16, 2013 - Addendum
- December 16, 2013
- Fukushima evacuees get more and more money, but not the tsunami victims
- December 12, 2013
- December 9, 2013
- Japan’s Nuke Watchdog Wastes Time on New Nuclear Accident Scenario
- December 5, 2013
- December 2, 2013
- ► November
- Fairewinds’ Gundersen Guarantees Problems with Unit 4 Spent Fuel Removal
- November 28, 2013
- November 25, 2013
- 184th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Antinuke Groups Reveal an Agenda Conflict in Warsaw Walkout
- November 21, 2013
- Former Tepco Engineer Tries to re-open the F. Daiichi Earthquake Debate
- November 18, 2013
- Former Japan PMs are Chasing Unicorns
- November 14, 2013
- Japan makes a rational exposure calculation decision
- November 11, 2013
- Japanese Politician Falls Prey to an Antinuclear Paradigm
- November 7, 2013
- Cherry-picking Japanese Press Feeds Spent Fuel Fears
- November 4, 2013
- November 1, 2013
- ► October
- The Business of Being a Fukushima Refugee
- October 29, 2013
- 180th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Fukushima and the Inevitable Tritium Controversy
- October 24, 2013
- October 21, 2013
- Lady Barbara Judge Causes Token “Balance” in Japanese Press
- October 17, 2013
- October 14, 2013
- Doomsday Prophecies Precede Fukushima’s Spent Fuel Removal
- October 10, 2013
- October 7, 2013
- October 4, 2013
- Reactor-Bomb Confusion Continues in Japan
- October 1, 2013
- ► September
- 176th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Low Exposure Standards Have Become a Problem for Japan
- September 26, 2013
- September 23, 2013
- Scrapping F. Daiichi Units #5&6 is a Mistake
- September 19, 2013
- Is Some of Japan’s Press Starting to “Get It”?
- September 16, 2013
- September 13, 2013
- September 10, 2013
- 173rd of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Murphy’s Law Strikes Japan
- September 5, 2013
- September 2, 2013
- ► August
- Is Fukushima Daiichi’s Wastewater Really Toxic?
- August 29, 2013
- New INES Rating at Fukushima Demands Clear Public Communication
- August 26, 2013
- Japan’s Disastrous Flirtation with Worst-Case Scenarios
- August 22, 2013
- August 19, 2013
- A Suggested Answer to Fukushima’s Wastewater Question
- August 15, 2013
- August 12, 2013
- August 10, 2013
- Fukushima Groundwater Contamination is Not an Actual Emergency
- August 6, 2013
- August 1, 2013
- ► July
- July 29, 2013
- Fukushima Groundwater Issue Poses Many Questions
- July 26, 2013
- July 23, 2013
- Naoto Kan: Japan’s Pinocchio
- 166th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- July 18, 2013
- July 15, 2013
- Japan’s nuke watchdog is blatantly biased
- July 11, 2013
- July 8, 2013
- Misleading AP Story on Lady Barbara Judge
- July 5, 2013
- July 2, 2013
- ► June
- 163rd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Who Are Fukushima’s Tsunami Refugees?
- June 27, 2013
- June 24, 2013
- A new Fukushima radiation scare about Strontium-90
- Japan’s Red Cross violates their moral imperative with too-low exposure limit
- June 20, 2013
- June 17, 2013
- June 7, 2013
- New Tepco groundwater study confirms that isotopic levels are negligible
- June 5, 2013
- June 3, 2013
- ► May
- May 31, 2013
- J-PARC incident reveals ignorance of Japanese Politicians and Press
- May 28, 2013
- May 24, 2013
- Fukushima’s Petrarch?
- May 21, 2013
- May 19, 2013
- May 17, 2013
- Fukushima groundwater makes fishermen fearful
- May 13, 2013
- F. Daiichi Wastewater Build-up Radiation Fears Continue
- May 9, 2013
- May 6, 2013
- NBC News Article is Full of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt)
- May 3, 2013
- ► April
- April 29, 2013
- Japanese court does the right thing for the wrong reason
- April 25, 2013
- April 22, 2013
- Tokyo has greatly overestimated Fukushima resident’s exposures
- April 19, 2013
- April 16, 2013
- April 14, 2013
- Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt Resurfaces in Japan
- April 11, 2013
- April 8, 2013
- April 4, 2013
- April 1, 2013
- ► March
- March 29, 2013
- Where is Fukushima Daiichi’s Water Going?
- March 27, 2013
- March 25, 2013
- March 22,2013
- Exaggeration and Fiction Dominate the Spent Fuel Pool Issue in Japan
- Much Ado About Nearly Nothing: The Latest Fuel Pool Scare in Japan
- March 19, 2013
- March 17, 2013
- March 15, 2013
- Fukushima-Two Years On: Tokyo chooses realism over political expediency
- March 13, 2013
- March 11, 2013
- Summary of Tsunami 2nd Anniversary Articles, Part 2
- Summation of Fukushima 2nd Anniversary Articles
- March 8, 2013
- Japan Correctly Takes Umbrage with WHO Risk Estimates
- March 6, 2013
- March 4, 2013
- March 1, 2013
- ► February
- February 27, 2013
- February 25, 2013
- Japan Needs to Stop Wasting Money on Radiation Fears
- February 22, 2013
- February 20, 2013
- Japan’s Greenpeace and Press Call Science a Government “Ploy”
- February 18, 2013
- February 15, 2013
- February 12, 2013
- Fukushima Whistleblower Makes False Accusations
- February 8, 2013
- February 6, 2013
- February 4, 2013
- Japan Believes America Has the Better Regulatory Mouse-trap
- February 1, 2013
- ► January
- January 30, 2013
- Japan’s Radiation Standards Strangle TEPCO
- January 28, 2013
- Chernobyl Wildlife Thriving: It’s Possible Impact on Japan (or not?)
- January 25, 2013
- January 23, 2013
- January 21, 2013
- New Tokyo Regime Should Rethink Radiation Limits
- January 18, 2013
- January 16, 2013
- January 14, 2013
- January 11, 2013
- January 9, 2013
- Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers #138
- January 7, 2013
- Japan’s Contamination Limits Way Too Low
- January 4, 2013
- Should Japanese Nukes Be Scrapped Because of NRA Seismic Judgments?
- January 1, 2013
- ► December
- ►2012
- ► December
- 137th Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers – New Year’s Edition
- December 28, 2012
- Suggested Japanese Nuclear New Year’s Resolutions
- December 26, 2012
- December 24, 2012
- A “Mindset” That May Have Killed Thousands
- December 21, 2012
- December 19, 2012
- December 17, 2012
- December 14, 2012
- Latest Chernobyl Cancer Study Contains Numerous Problems
- December 12, 2012
- A Phantom Conflict of Interest in Japan
- December 10, 2012
- Japan’s Press fails to make nuclear energy the top election issue
- December 7, 2012
- December 5, 2012
- December 3, 2012
- ► November
- What Lessons can American Scientists Learn from Japan?
- November 30, 2012
- November 27. 2012
- 132nd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- Is Nuclear Energy Losing its Political Thunder in Japan?
- November 23, 2012
- November 20, 2012
- 131st Carnival of Nuclear Bloggers
- Japanese Press Promotes Wide-spread Distrust
- November 16, 2012
- November 14, 2012
- November 12, 2012
- November 10, 2012
- How Hazardous is CS-137? – Part II
- November 9, 2012
- November 7, 2012
- November 5, 2012
- How Hazardous is Cesium-137?
- November 2, 2012
- ► October
- October 31, 2012
- October 29, 2012
- October 26, 2012
- Earthquake phobia threatens Japan’s electrical infrastructure
- October 24, 2012
- Japan’s historical lack of safety upgrades amplifies
- October 22, 2012
- October 19, 2012
- October 17, 2012
- No “Melt-throughs” at Fukushima Daiichi? – a Detailed Explanation
- October 15, 2012
- October 12, 2012
- No “Melt-throughs” at Fukushima Daiichi?
- October 10, 2012
- Antinuke Peter Bradford speaks with forked tongue
- October 8, 2012
- October 5, 2012
- October 3, 2012
- October 1, 2012
- ► September
- September 28, 2012
- September 26, 2012
- 123rd Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- September 21, 2012
- Tokyo comes to its senses…sort of…
- September 19, 2012
- September 17, 2012
- Fukushima’s waste water decontamination system is a success story
- September 15, 2012
- September 12, 2012
- America’s Gundersen profits on Japan’s fears
- September 10, 2012
- September 7, 2012
- September 5, 2012
- 120th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
- ► August
- August 31, 2012
- August 29, 2012
- Why has the Japanese Press ignored “The myth of renewable energy”?
- August 27, 2012
- August 24, 2012
- August 22, 2012
- August 20, 2012
- August 17, 2012
- August 15, 2012
- August 13, 2012
- August 10, 2012
- August 8, 2012
- Japan’s No.2 newspaper intensifies discrimination against F. Daiichi workers
- August 6, 2012
- August 3, 2012
- August 1, 2012
- ► July
- July 30, 2012
- NAIIC report’s biggest mistake
- July 27, 2012
- July 25, 2012
- July 23, 2012
- Tokyo antinuke rally was caused by the Hiroshima Syndrome
- July 20, 2012
- Debunking the Latest Fukushima Death Threat
- July 18, 2012
- July 16, 2012
- Financial Times prefers fiction over fact
- July 11, 2012
- No earthquake damage at F. Daiichi unit #1
- July 9, 2012
- The NAIIC Fukushima report – Some hits and some misses
- July 6, 2012
- July 4, 2012
- July 2, 2012
- ► June
- ► May
- May 30, 2012
- What about F. Daiichi unit #4?
- May 28, 2012
- Kan’s con – using misinformation to suit his purpose
- Tokyo shoots itself in the foot again!
- May 25, 2012
- May 23, 2012
- May 21, 2012
- May 18, 2012
- May 16, 2012
- May 15, 2012
- May 14, 2012
- Apocalyptic fantasy gets headlines in Japan
- May 11, 2012
- May 9, 2012
- Get it right, for crying out loud!
- May 8, 2012
- May 7, 2012
- The end of an era, or, the onset of Japan’s economic and energy collapse
- May 4, 2012
- May 2, 2012
- ► April
- April 30, 2012
- April 27, 2012
- April 25, 2012
- April 23, 2012
- April 20, 2012
- F. Daiichi unit #2 robot inspection – one answer and two new questions
- April 18, 2012
- April 16, 2012
- April 13, 2012
- Irrational Korean missile fear replaces irrational Nuclear fear…almost.
- April 11, 2012
- April 9, 2012
- April 6, 2012
- April 4, 2012
- April 2, 2012
- ► March
- ► February
- February 29, 2012
- February 27, 2012
- February 24, 2012
- February 22, 2012
- February 20, 2012
- February 17, 2012
- Is the No-Go Zone “Uninhabitable”?
- February 15, 2012
- More disturbing news out of Japan? I think not!
- February 13, 2012
- The true crime of March 11, 2011!
- February 10, 2012
- February 8, 2012
- February 6, 2012
- February 3, 2012
- February 1, 2012
- ► January
- January 30, 2012
- January 27, 2012
- January 25, 2012
- What's a Becquerel and is it dangerous?
- January 23, 2012
- Has Unit #2 had a “phantom melt-through”?
- January 20, 2012
- January 18, 2012
- January 16, 2012
- January 13, 2012
- January 10, 2012
- January 9, 2012
- How many full meltdowns were there at Fukushima?
- January 6, 2012
- January 4, 2012
- January 2, 2012
- ► December
- ►2011
- ► December
- ► November
- ► October
- ► September
- ► August
- ► July
- ► June
- ► May
- ► April
- ► March
- March 31, 2011
- March 30, 2011
- March 29, 2011
- March 28, 2011
- March 27, 2011
- March 26, 2011
- March 25, 2011
- March 24, 2011
- March 23, 2011
- March 22 (9:30am)
- March 21 (1:35 pm EDT)
- March 20 (9:45 EDT)
- March 19 (11:45 am, EDT)
- March 18 (12 noon, EDT)
- March 17, 2011 (12:15 pm, EDT)
- March 16, 2011 (as of 11:30 am, EDT)
- March 15, 2011 (based on March 14 events)
- March 14, 2011
- March 13, 2011
- Preliminary Update (March 12, 2011)