March 30, 2011

For the first time since March 11, when the tsunami inundated the Fukushima Nuclear power plant complex, there seems to be little or no new serious technological nor radiological consequences to report. Does this mean the emergency situation is “winding down”? That...

March 29, 2011

Since yesterday’s update, very little progress has been made in the effort to restore power throughout the Unit 1 through Unit 4 power complex. TEPCO reports do, however, let us know something that has puzzled this writer for a few days. While there may have...

March 28, 2011

I’m sure all daily readers of these updates have noticed that there’s been little, if any references to American news media reports for a number of days, and an almost exclusive use of Japanese Press and other reputable international information sources....

March 27, 2011

As this web page has reported for many days, there is unquestionably fuel damage in Fukushima Units 1, 2 & 3. How much is purely speculative, at this point. Because of sporadic over-pressure conditions inside each of the three reactor vessels due to decay heat...

March 26, 2011

Since yesterday, there have been two types of news to report; technical (systems recovery and operational status) and radiological (off-site contamination and exposed emergency worker status).  First, the technical…  TEPCO reports that they have freshwater...

March 25, 2011

Yesterday (Eastern Daylight Time), TEPCO reported that spent fuel cooling pumps had been started for both the Unit No. 3 pool and the “common” spent fuel pool. The Unit No. 3 pump start-up was reported here yesterday from a TEPCO press release, and the common pool...

March 24, 2011

 (I must apologize to everyone for making a stupid mistake. Since last week, I have been reporting the decay heat levels in the stricken reactors. I based these ballpark numbers on the megawatt outputs of the turbine-generators. I should have been using the thermal...

March 23, 2011

More than 5,000 new readers, world-wide, have visited this site since March 11. Some 40% have been making repeated visits in order to get rational reports on the status of the situation at Fukushima. The percentage of bookmarks is 100%! It is an honor and a privilege...

March 22 (9:30am) 

This morning (America’s morning) there is more reputable news to report than since this all began on March 11 when the multi-unit power complex was inundated with a forty-foot high tsunami. There was no apparent damage from the 9.0 earthquake itself. We can now...

March 21 (1:35 pm EDT)

Today’s belated update includes considerable input from an E-mailer, “Ronald G.”, who has made today’s informational search much, much less time consuming. So Ronald gets my personal “Atta-boy”. Currently, Units 5 & 6 at Fukushima have had their...
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